Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bullying Argumentative essay - 970 Words

Name Professor Writing Argumentative Essay 25 November 2013 Bullying Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it can cause self inflicted injuries and even suicide in America today, and there should be no doubt that we need to protect our youth today. We need to enforce a law that will have bullies face harsh legal punishment in order to do†¦show more content†¦They should be treated like an individual who knows right and wrong and continues to do wrong by physically assault another student. In most cases of self inflicted injuries are caused by cyber bullying, which is online or over the phone. It is horrible and it takes a lot to make someone feel like their life is not worth living or that bringing a blade to their wrists will relieve the pain they are going through mentally. Cyber bullies attack people psychologically and get very personal with the intent of hurting someone. They hide behind the computer and use it to ruin others lives. That is worse than physical bullying, because the psychological scars are things that will be with the victims forever. It will affect their self esteem, their value of life, their insecurities, and how they act socially. Bullying does not go away after you leave school, bullying in some cases stays with people for the rest of their lives. The events that the victims went through torments them for the rest of their lives through flash backs, fears created by the bully, and even seeing the bully themselves. Most victims have nightmares and flashbacks that bring them back to that horrible time of their life and haunt them long after school is over. The last thing I ask is to look at this from a personal perspective. People should think as if it were their child who came home crying, beaten, battered, cut marks onShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay : Bullying And Bullying756 Words   |  4 PagesRita Bullock July 3, 2015 Essay on Bullying In 2-3 pages, according to the Dignity for All Act, what is the legal responsibility of the teacher and the school when a student claims that he or she is being harassed, intimidated, or discriminated by another student(s)? What happens to a student who bullies, and what happens to the victim? School bullying can occur during every stage of development from Kindergarten through High school. Students suffer harmful effects when they are emotionallyRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Bullying1249 Words   |  5 Pagesdirected by Lee Hirsch. In this 2011 documentary it examined five different bullying scenarios and how the constant -everyday- bullying shaped their lives. Bullying has been an ongoing issue; an issue that cannot seem to be resolved. Although this has been an escalating subject it seems as though bullying is still oblivious to many people despite age, gender, ethnicity, and line of work. As revealed in the documentary, bullying effects the lives of many students. These students are mocked, physicallyRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying880 Words   |  4 PagesCyberbullying   Ã‚  Ã‚   I first experienced this form of bullying in middle school. Just about every student in my class was creating a profile on the still famous Facebook. Our older siblings had Myspace,but for us this was our first major footing in the world of online social networking. Initially, it was great. It was a way to keep up with friends and family, share events, and explore things uncommon to us. However eventually the once so great network became a way to humiliate, harass, and threatenRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying903 Words   |  4 Pages Bullying has always been a prevalent issue among society, especially within adolescence. However, cyberbullying in specific, is becoming more intense and harmful as the use technology increases. Unfortunately, bullies target those who are different among society, such as individuals who are different in race, religion, language, and sexual orientation. Bullying is no longer stemmed from school and left there, kids are bringing these unnecessary things home with them through the use of social mediaRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying1705 Words   |  7 Pagesof cyber bullying. Cyberbullying may disrupt a teen’s positive learning and cause them to perform poorly in their academics, which can lead to them dropping out of school. The presence of cyberbullying in school has created many negative effect on teens, such as, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and suicide. We need to find ways to protect our schools from cyberbullying because of the impact that it has on teens are detrimental. We can prevent cyberbullying by identifying cyber bullying problemsRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying1326 Words   |  6 PagesMichelle Montes Professor Diep and Professor Borla ENGL boost August 4, 2017 ROUGH DRAFT: Although bullying happens nationwide people, sometimes fail to acknowledge the importance of the topic and how it affects individuals and society. There are several ways the reality of bullying is taking place, which disrupts not only kids but also adults; whether it is physical, mental, or cyber bullying it is all contributing to promoting a barrier that may be perceived as negativity. However, from a bully’sRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying989 Words   |  4 Pagespricey. During that time, it was uncommon to find laptops and computers in many households. Fast forward to 2017, and the majority of the population has either a cellphone, laptop, tablet, and/or computer. Before becoming dependent on technology, bullying was a huge issue for many kids. The â€Å"schoolyard bully †¦ usually used physical domination to intimidate other children. It no longer requires physical intimidation to be a bully. When technology is used to send the message or intimida te, it becomesRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying1170 Words   |  5 PagesCyberbullying Typically, the person that is doing the cyber bullying is generally a victim of bullying themselves. How is cyberbullying done? Normally, the use of electronic devices to send messages that tend to emotional hurt someones feelings. Social media can lead to many negative outcomes when communicating to others. For example, if a teenage boy responds on a girl’s photo stating she is â€Å"ugly† is considered online bullying. One popular social media site is Facebook that over millions of peopleRead MoreParents Responsibility1022 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This WebQuest is a follow-up lesson to consolidate what you have learnt about writing an argumentative essay. There are 2 components to this assignment: the Essay component and the Reflection component. Essay Component First, you are to research online on what an argumentative essay is all about, the grammatical features of an argumentative essay and how you should structure your argumentative essays. Secondly, you are to read the articles provided in this WebQuest and you are to figure outRead MoreDevry Engl 147 All Discussion Questions – Graded1196 Words   |  5 Pagesis [school bullying] a problem?â€Å" In your post, provide the question and then the answer to the question. For example, â€Å"School bullying is a problem for victims of bullying because. . . .† Complete the statement based on your experience and knowledge. Topic Selection (graded) To prepare for your topic selection and the research process, conduct an Internet search to find at least two articles that have been posted in the last year on one of the â€Å"themes† topics (i.e., bullying). The goal

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